The long hello!

Life, The University, and Something


ok, so i messed a bit, dont yell at me.
I got good stuff for x-mas, email for the yay-fun-list! and best of all i still have one gift to open!
My family life sux, email to info on that too.
Basically, My x-mas was ok, with major downs and not so many ups. at all. period. stop asking.
anyway, so that is as life will be, and if it be, then so be it. anyway, toodaloo for now!


Monday~ Well, i got a 94 on my Bio Final... With no studying! Yay me!

Tuesday~ I think I did pretty good on my Photography Final!


Today, I slept. After Church that is.
Today Emmy and I spent the day together. We took Amber to dinner and shopping.
Last day of classes! Went to Chilli's with Emmy.
I did laundry today... that is all.


~Wednesday~ So I seem to be about a day behind at the moment, but that is easily rectified. I went to my classes, then lunch with Emmy. I fell asleep in Emmy's room (she was at class and I was waiting to surprise her) and had a nap that lasted just under 6 hours. I missed dinner, so we went a cooked one for ourselves. Then we sat down to watch a few episodes of Enterprise, followed with yet another game of Star Trek, and me finally getting back to my room at about 4 AM. All-in-all, it was nice.


~Tuesday~ Ok, so today was a bit full, I got up for breakfast with Emmy, spent several hours playing Halo, went to Bio Lab, spent more hours playing Halo, went to Photography, then went to Chick-Fil-A, only to finish off the day with a fun and long game of Star Trek. Yes, today was nce.


MONDAY~ Today, as one would imagine, I felt like i was back in school. I did pretty good on a Bio quiz, despite falling asleep in the shower and missing the first 15 minutes of class, in history we got Kennedy assasinated, and I was kinda sick during Master Student. Besides that, and missing Lunch, It has been a pretty good day.

SUNDAY~ It started out ok, other than my not being able to go to churhc cause we left too early. About an hour out of Dallas we hit traffic, turns out that the I35E and I35W junction was clogged, we took Highway 77 around the problem. Got back, did the work i failed to do over the break, and slept.

SATURDAY~ The day was a tad packed. For the first half dad, Miles and I drove around Downtown Tulsa taking pictures of giant penguins. Then there was the Afternoon full of Pizza And Cousins. This trend moved on into the evening, although the scenery DID change. We went over to uncle Ricky's house. Driving the car again was nice. We roleplayed, Holographic Space Pirates.

FRIDAY~ Spent with Matt, and a little part with Tom, mostly making a character for Matt's new Role Play, BESM: Big Eyes, Small Mouth. It was interesting. Note: GURPS books would be a nice present.

THURSDAY~ A day devoted to the almighty Turkey! Well, we had Lunch and dinner at Grandma Patty's house. All the little cousins and the major Aunts and Uncles from that side were there.

WEDNESDAY~ The Drive- What can I say, after sleeping through my two classes today, there is really nothing i could care for less than an 8 hour car trip. We played the license plate game, the letter game, and the cow game. How Fun! But really, It was.

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