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Life, The University, and Something



As everyone who knows me know, i have little intrest in politics. However, I have great vested intrest in rights, and i see my rights whithering. I know the federal government has no right to legislate marriage, that is the states' job, so why doesn't the government know it? It's not one of the things the constitution says they can do. Well, i suppose they do know it, since they seem to want to make the constitution say so.

I say marriage as a religious entity should be divorced from government altogether. Only civil unions should exist. That would preserve the 'sanctity' of marriage and give the gay communitee the same rights as the 'normal' people.

I really hate these bumper stickers. Men's Bathroom Plus Women's Bathroom Equals Marriage What does the international symbol for restrooms have to do with marriage? I don't believe we ever considered taking away the 'right' of marriage from the restrooms of America.

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