The long hello!

Life, The University, and Something


OK, here starts the second week of school, well, not for another several hours... No New Testament today, the Prof is out. Weekend was nice, spoke with both Mom AND Dad. 'Tis an odd day that lifes so twisted together will come up with variations on the same conversation... And so begins life as I know it- Twisted, Variable, Odd.
In His Name,

PS, I deleted the email address, so now only the ones with Derek in them work.


Now in the third day of classes, Derek is only SLIGHTLY bored. at least there is plenty of reading to keep him busy.
With 12 hours of classes (that comes out to 4 classes, 3 hours per class) and all of them requiring lots of reading, he is doin pretty good to be able to finally update this thing. Oh well. time to get back to reading! bah-bah.


I'M BACK!!!!!!!

That is right, I have returned to my place of education.
As life settles into the closest it will ever come to normal, I will be able to write these stinkers more often, YAY!

so, off i go into the newest fog, to defeat the eternal feind and live happily ever after! g'bye for now.