The long hello!

Life, The University, and Something


1. The less you want to tell; the more they want to know.
2. The odder you are in fantasy, the closer to norm you are in reality.
3. If you flunk once, and then get the absolute pity of your advisor you become a "pet project," this is not necessarily bad.
4. Most English Majors are not their freshman year
5. The ones that are more than likely are good RP material.
6. ADD is a blessing, no matter what the psychiatrics say.
7. Spelling is not a core requirement for writing, that is what spell check is for.
8. Grammar is inversely related between paper and speech.
9. If it sounds like a mouthful, drop it and try again.
10. Newspapers are fun, you can chop them to bits and it will cost you only a few bucks a week.
11. Skipping classes is best done one class a day. (joke)
12. Homework always has a better grade after 3 weeks of lateness.
13. Ignore number 12 if it is History homework.
14. Biology is the greatest past time, not Baseball.
15. Party suites are not for geeks.
16. If you do not look like a geek, you WILL be roomed with jocks.
17. "Random" Alcohol checks are fun, especially if everyone else still has a hangover.
18. Ceiling hurt when you fall through them.
19. History is not boring... (When the teacher is listening anyway.)
20. Photography is funest if you have no transportation and all the time in the world.
21. Restrooms are not free.
22. Spending cash is exhaustible.
23. Do not skip 2 classes in a row, they notice that.
24. Going to the emergency room for an ear infection is fun, as long as you stay out of the way.
25. Ear infections are no excuse for dropping 23.
26. Reality sucks.
27. "Politics" and "government" are interchangeable only for the professor.
28. Bambi and The Jungle Book may not be as good as you remember them to be.
29. Then again...
30. Cheez-Its are too expensive, get Cheez-Nips.
31. Papa Johns is expensive, unless you work there.
32. Working for them in a different state is no consolation, they are STILL too expensive.
33. Losing weight is an odd feeling, gaining twice that weight is sickening.
34. Marriage is a scary prospect.
36. Engagements can last toooo long.
38. Gaining mannerisms is an odd feeling.
39. GM-ing is hard on next to no sleep, doing a paper after is even harder.
40. Gaming is a good waste of time.
41. Life rules.
42. Adams-ism is not a religion, but it should be.
43. Bokononism also should be.
44. Satire is ideal when looking for good humor.
45. So is absurdism.
46. True Love is the most satisfying reality I have ever run face first into. (And I have run face-first into a lot of reality... I'm tellin' you.)
47. There are a lot of people from Dallas; most of them are not there anymore.
48. Too many people know who I am, where I live, and what my IM names are...!
49. Just for your info, I am not bobby.
50. Sigh, I think that is all.
51. War is very boggy.


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