The long hello!

Life, The University, and Something


After much deliberation, i have decided to open a Saturday role play up to the rest of Austin. One person has responded, which is about a hundred more people than i thought would. Yah, apparently a GURPS Multi-Genre game is not too appealing to most. I've pretty much done nothing lately, going to class seems to be my only out-of-house experience. Please send me snail mail, as it gives me something to do. Hey, i made a new email just for the role play- -I would appreciate you not emailing it unless you live in Austin and want to join my role play though, makes it easier to tell who is who. Reply to This


"I was wrong to even argue with you. You see nothing but what you say, You are immobile and don't want to see the truth if it is not what you say it is. You are no longer worth my words." -My comment to you who are like this. Not that any of my readers are, but I'm sure there are some like this in the world. Reply to This
And this is my first post since the big hitch! I'm feelin fine, been bored alot lately, nothing much happening. Reply to This