The long hello!

Life, The University, and Something


Version: 3.1
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So, This is a very crappy day.
Starts not-so-bad, Breakfast with Emmy... then i go to the library around nine, i enjoy myself, not such a horrid thing.
I exit the library cause my tummy says it is time to eat... at 3 PM. I totally missed Bio Lab. And Lunch, cant forget lunch.
I get back to my Dorm, cause there is no sence in eating 2 hours before dinner, realize i forgot to do my laundry on Sunday. Meh.
I decide i will do it when i get back from Holiday. Emmy picks me up for dinner at Texas Hall, choice: pizza, cold or pizza, old.
I get the cold pizza, crispy, appearently their best try for thin crust. Meal is not so bad, I have Robert and Emmy to talk to, Robert talks more, but I enjoy Emmy more. Next comes photography. I hae a roll of film to develop. It turns out underexposed. Crap. Oh, and i got a 86 on the test, "comme-ci, comme-ca." The Film Error baffles both me AND Dr. Kroft, I managed to find a bad that even HE had never had. I blame it on my 'mystical bad luck powers,' if there is some new and spectacular way to ruin something then I will find it.
Anyway, time to go get a lotta pop to drown my sorrows in, but also to keep me awake so I will have something to do on the trip home: sleep!


HI! I just watched the most touching foreign film! it is called Children of Heaven and it is Arabic... or something like that.
Anyway. I highly recomend it.
People around here are all: "It is COLD" at 50s! I wonder if it ever gets icy here...
And if you happen to be at the receiving end of my upcoming pilgramage... We will be leaving between 11 and Noon.
Thus ends another wonderful day at Concordia!
Second Day: Total boredom, although History had a glimmer of interest, we ran out of time.
Had a nice lunch, although Emmy was not part of it... sigh. I have not seen emmy in 14 hours. That has to be a record so far.
Oh, back to lunch, Stir-Fry is GOOD, not to mention the tres bien pepperoni pizza. yummm!
Althogether, it has been a good day... now I just have to keep this up until English tonight and i will be doing great!
For Monday: This is Derek signing off.


The First Installment of This Thing is going to be very boring, seeing as it is my first try at anything so technical...
Usually I work with pages and just have fun with certain formats and am all sors of bored.
Anyway, I decided to make this thing instead of do my homework. Oh, so much more fun!

Anyway, back to writing papers.
The Brunchma Community!