The long hello!

Life, The University, and Something


It's Thanksgiving, my car's perma-broke... again.
That's about all.
Oh, Emm and I are still at School.
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Just a brief experiment to ensure the workability to my reply linky thing, I love testing new abilities.

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$1200- that's what it costs to fix mah stooopeed car. that is all.
So i've been having knockling/grinding noises in my car the last few days. I took it to the car doctors. The guy says my gear-axles are bad (well, 3rd gear at the least) and my transmision may be going also. I am not to use 3rd gear if i can help it, cause i might end up throwing the gear (which sounds bad the way he says it.)

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This is, as far as I am concerned, my best poem ever. One to Millions

Oh, and i really havent done much of anything important since last wednesday. very boring, i know.

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Oh, and I'll be doing some updates to my poetry pages...
Dek's Poetry Page
So if you want to read my poetry some of it is there and there will be more soon.
Since this story has gotten me the lowest grade to date in Creative writing i shall publish it on my site and give you a linky...
It got me an 11/15

By the way, if you wanna be in my online roleplay clicky the link and choose a character and email your choice to me.

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An interesting thought.

Anyway, so the last few weeks have been interesting.

What? You say I haven't posted in a month, how are you supposed to be reading about my life if i dont post daily? Well, I have a life, elsenwise i WOULD post everyday to tell you about my un-life.

That being said, not all that much happened in the last 4 weeks.

Oh oh! Dr. Duder said my story had "sophisticated description," which may or may not be a good thing...

On a similar note (same class anyway) I need to find time to write 2 or three sonnets and a vilanel. (please note i have no clue how to spell vilanel.)

You may wonder what in the blazes i'm doin up so early, but that is simple to explain. I never wwent to sleep. Nope, not a wink of sleep. And it isn't for lack of trying either. Stupid world, spinning around and around, out of control, leaving me in the dust. Did you know there is only about 4 or 5 weeks of classes left? scary huh?